Things-To-Do List
Upon starting the program, the Things-To-Do List appears explaining what QSE HRA events need your attention. With the Things-To-Do-List, you will not miss important events because it won’t let you!
No matter how powerful a software program is, if it isn’t easy to learn and operate - it won’t be used! The COBRA Administration Manager is a Windows-based program that has been setup similar to most programs. The program offers on-screen help and on-line manual (but most users never have a need to refer to them). A major reason for this is because the Things-To-Do-List handles most of the events for you, automatically.
Provides All Necessary Documents
QSE HRA Manager comes with all necessary documents. The IRS requires numerous documentation from businesses administering a QSE HRA, including the Plan Document and medical expense substantiation. The software will automatically compose these documents based on the plan you create and the documents and info you gather from employees. There's no easier way to stay compliant and avoid losing valuable tax deductions.
PC Based System
QSE HRA Manager is a PC based solution, not internet based. This avoids the risks associated with online security and site downtime.
Encrypted Database and Password Protected
Your data is encrypted to protect the private information of your employees. With password protection and encryption, only you will be able to access the sensitive information about your employees.
Walks You Through Plan Setup
Creating a new QSE HRA plan for you company is a breeze with QSE HRA Manager. The software will walk you though all your options when designing a plan, and you can be completely set up in minutes.
Easily Create 23 Different Reports
The software can automatically create 23 different reports for your administration needs, including Annual Plan Financial report, Submitted receipts, reimbursements paid, Account Balance report, and many more. You can easily see the status of any aspect of your QSE HRA plan within seconds.
Updated With Changes In The Law
QSE HRA Manager will make following the law easy, no matter what changes are made in the future. In a world where healthcare laws are constantly changing, you rest assured that your company will be prepared for any changes related to QSE HRA laws and regulations.
Easy Import from Excel
You can quickly add employees and their information to QSE HRA Manager from an Excel file, meaning you can get your plan set up even faster.
Other Features
➤ Networkable (Up to 5 Users)
➤ 32-Bit Architecture
➤ Updates via internet
➤ Routine Backup Procedure
➤ Import and Export critical data
➤ Built-in Word Processor